
'전체 글'에 해당되는 글 113건

  1. 2007.01.11 ActiveX가 있는 페이지를 스크롤하면 화면이 깨져보일경우
VC++ 에서 만든 MFC ActiveX 가 그런거 같더군여.. 비베로 만든 ActiveX 는 안그런걸로 알고 있습니다..

암튼.. 해결 방법은

일일히 해당 컨트롤들을 Invalidate 해주는 방법이 있는데 이것도 깔끔하게는 안되더군여..

그래서 정법을 소개합니다.. 이걸로 하니 깔끔하게 잘되더군여..


1.. 먼저  헤더파일에..


virtual BOOL OnSetObjectRects(LPCRECT lpRectPos, LPCRECT lpRectClip);   //오버라이드


void    MyGetClippingCoordinates(LPCRECT pPosRect, LPCRECT pClipRect,

                      LPRECT pIntersectRect, LPPOINT pOffsetPoint);

2. CPP 파일에...

void CxxxCtrl::MyGetClippingCoordinates(LPCRECT pPosRect, LPCRECT pClipRect,

                        LPRECT pIntersectRect, LPPOINT pOffsetPoint)


    int clipLeft = 0;

    int clipTop = 0;

    if ((pClipRect == NULL) || IsRectEmpty(pClipRect))


        CopyRect(pIntersectRect, pPosRect);




        IntersectRect(pIntersectRect, pPosRect, pClipRect);

        clipLeft = pClipRect->left;

        clipTop = pClipRect->top;


    pOffsetPoint->x = min(0, pPosRect->left - clipLeft);

    pOffsetPoint->y = min(0, pPosRect->top - clipTop);


BOOL CxxxCtrl::OnSetObjectRects(LPCRECT lprcPosRect, LPCRECT lprcClipRect)


    ASSERT(lprcPosRect != NULL);

    // Remember the position rectangle for later

    m_rcPos = *lprcPosRect;

    // Calculate complete rectangle including the tracker (if present)

    CRect rectPos = m_rcPos;

    if (m_bUIActive && m_pRectTracker != NULL)


        // Save new clipping rectangle (for DestroyTracker)

        if (lprcClipRect != NULL)

            m_pRectTracker->m_rectClip = *lprcClipRect;

        // Adjust tracker rectangle to new dimensions

        CRect rectTmp = rectPos;


        m_pRectTracker->m_rect = rectTmp;

        // Adjust the "true" rectangle to include handles/hatching

        UINT nHandleSize = m_pRectTracker->m_nHandleSize - 1;

        rectPos.InflateRect(nHandleSize, nHandleSize);


    // Now clip that rectangle as appropriate

    CRect rectClip;

    // CHANGE - call your own copy of _GetClippingCoordinates

    MyGetClippingCoordinates(rectPos, lprcClipRect, rectClip, &m_ptOffset);

    // Move outer window first. then inner window

    if (!m_bInPlaceSiteWndless)


        CWnd* pWndOuter = GetOuterWindow();


        //BEGIN CHANGE

        if (pWndOuter != NULL)


               ::MoveWindow(pWndOuter->m_hWnd, rectPos.left,,

                    rectPos.Width(), rectPos.Height(), TRUE);


        //END CHANGE                                

        if (pWndOuter != this)

            MoveWindow(0, 0, rectPos.Width(), rectPos.Height());


    return TRUE;
